Presidential Meeting

Chicago Office
A Letter describing the Chain Breakers Campaign Office and its location
Written by Press Secretary Evan Panagos
The reason why we have chosen Chicago over any other location, is because we wanted the help those who live in “da hood”. The living conditions are so terrible, that just walking on the wrong side of the street can get you shot. This is why some of our immigration and gun policies will help. They will help monitor who is in our beloved country and give each of those people a way to defend themselves.
There is of course, a second reason, why we chose Chicago. We were hoping, that by helping the blacks in the city, that we would win their votes. However, if we do not win their votes, we still wish to make a full impact on the lives of those who live in that area.

Wilton, CA Office
A Letter Describing the Chain Breakers Motives Behind Choosing Wilton California as the Location for Their Small Campaign Office
Wilton California has some sentimental meanings to one of the chain breakers campaign members. Bill and Chris Warmby owned some property on the POW Nursery. These are the grandparents of the member.
Also, we were hoping, that by being in California, that we would expand our voters into the left. We are not willing to compromise our morals, but we would like to win some votes from liberals, as they are American citizens.

Miami Office
A Letter Describing the Chain Breakers Motives Behind Choosing Miami Florida as the Location for Their Small Campaign Office
Miami Florida is a place that is close to heart with one of the chain breakers campaign members. It is a major city in the USA, which means that we can probably help lower sides of town. This also happens to be the location of the final NASCAR race of the post season. We can also count on the support of the inhabitants of this city, as they are on the right of the political scale.