Presidential Meeting
Press Release
We all know that what happened in Boulder Colorado yesterday was a horrible tragedy. As rare as it is, we cannot deny the fact that it disrupted many lives of many diverse families. There must be an action to be taken, so we first give our love and support to all the families who had someone killed in this accident. We also give our love and support to all those who were injured.
We will take any and all precautions in order to provide the most safety for our people across the nation. We will integrate earthquake shelters nationwide, however this must occur slowly. As we are using many tax dollars for the security of our borders, we must gradually integrate these shelters.
We, the people of the United States of America, must use this tragedy as a learning point for the future. As we cannot change the past, we must look forward and how we can best provide safety for all people in our border. We must have certified officials in all cities in order to lead the people in case of any event similar to this in the future. We can use all advances in technology to decrease the amount of time it takes to alert the people of the disaster.
I assure you, that a disaster of this caliber will never have the major effect that it had this time ever again. We want to give you, the soundness of mind that candidate Ryan Philips will care for you all. And in any event that disturbs the lives of Americans, we will put all of our hearts towards those people and their families and we will give our full efforts towards better solutions for the future.
Again, we want to let all survivors who were affected by any natural disaster that we are sympathetic to you. And as a nation undivided and under God, we will work together to make sure that this will not happen again. To all those who were not involved, but had an outsider view, we want to give you the peace at mind that something of this caliber will never happen to you. We want to urge all people who know anyone who has been through a disaster like this to give your sympathy to them.